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cbseclass videos

cbseclass videos is an interesting Indian youtube channel with 1 Million subscribers. There are more than 6 Youtube channels similar to cbseclass videos. These are not cbseclass videos exact replicas. However, the 6 channels are so similar that many of their fans love them. If you like cbseclass videos, you might like GREEN Board, Vedantu 9&10, Magnet Brains, Physics Wallah Foundation and Dear Sir.

215.9M 1.4M 2.2K Youtube  

About cbseclass videos

scoreplus is committed to providing high-quality and affordable education for the mass student of India. Our goal is to make education accessible and inclusive. We believe that education can change your life and we want everyone to have the opportunity to make it happen. We pride ourselves on excellent teachers and offer our teachers a lot of freedom and creative control in their classrooms, just like they would at a great university.

Not only quality educational content but we believe in changing the world through the help of technology. scoreplus is committed to improving the state of education in India one school at a time and now we are coming up with innovative solutions which will help students in multiple aspects of their educational journey.

We have a very simple aim that "with us, a student can score plus".

Country: India

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