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Mr. Inventor

Mr. Inventor is an interesting American youtube channel with 838 Thousand subscribers. There are more than 13 Youtube channels similar to Mr. Inventor. These are not Mr. Inventor exact replicas. However, the 13 channels are so similar that many of their fans love them. If you like Mr. Inventor, you might like Cabinland, Mr SunY, diazconstruccion, Creativity Buzz and NDA Hack.

311.7M 838K 316 Youtube  

About Mr. Inventor

Mr. Inventor - is the channel on which you will see the useful amazing homemade inventions that can very simple to do with their hands. Life hacking, which may be useful to you in life. DIY - Do it yourself, this heading on our channel is translated as "do it yourself". Interesting ideas, how to make the right tool or invention of their own hands improvised.
✓ Simple inventions
✓ Interesting life hacks
✓ Homemade inventions
✓ Things by their own hands

Country: United States

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