YumYum얌얌 Channel icon


YumYum얌얌 is an interesting South Korean youtube channel with 811 Thousand subscribers. There are more than 10 Youtube channels similar to YumYum얌얌. These are not YumYum얌얌 exact replicas. However, the 10 channels are so similar that many of their fans love them. If you like YumYum얌얌, you might like settime2588, King Food 킹푸드, Rashida Hussain, Chef amir - شاف امير and 푸디랜드 FoodieLand.

258.4M 811K 641 Youtube  

About YumYum얌얌

안녕하세요 얌얌입니다
언제나 시청해 주셔서 감사드립니다
구독과 좋아요는 저희에게 큰힘이 됩니다 🙏🏻

Our content is discovering the rare visual food or street food around the world
We are focusing on the food as well as how to cook.
"Subscribe and Like" is a big inspiration to us 🙏🏻

Uploading session

1 Video Every 2 Days !

Country: South Korea

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